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Scott Martens

Scott Martens, Director, Tailings at Teck Resources

Scott Martens is the Director, Tailings at Teck Resources, providing corporate oversight of tailings governance and engineering at Teck’s operating mines, development projects and legacy facilities across North and South America.

Scott has 29 years of geotechnical engineering experience, with 15 years in geotechnical consulting and 14 in geotechnical mining operations. He has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from the University of British Columbia and a Master’s degree in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Alberta. Scott is an Adjunct Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Alberta, a member of the independent review board for the tailings facilities at a gold mine, and is the Chair of the Mining Dams Committee for the Canadian Dam Association. Scott was a keynote speaker for TMW in 2021.